We hope that everyone had a chance to enjoy our beautiful summer weather, we are blessed to live in such a splendid county.Signs of Autumn are appearing , slowly creeeping in, changing the landscape, colours and temperatures.
Press Release ……. our Congratulations to Nicolle
Nicolle Mitchell, accredited massage practitioner and trainer, has been shortlisted for 3 awards.Nicolle runs her practice at The Blue Lotus Therapy Centre in Scorrier near Redruth and visits people in the community if they find clinic access difficult. Nicolle has been shortlisted for Complementary Therapist of the Year with the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT), a professional body that supports complementary professionals & promotes excellence within the industry and aim to shine a spotlight on therapists who set the bar for great practice. Last year’s winner in this category was Barbara Scott who provides reflexology to clients who have difficulty conceiving. Barbara researched the subject extensively developing her own reflexology treatment protocols and worked with Cardiff Metropolitan University for a reflexology study and research paper. Nicolle is one of 8 finalists in the category and the winners will be announced at a special FHT conference on 29th November being held at The King’s Fund, London.
The second is an award for Mental Health & Wellbeing with the Complementary Therapy Awards,organised by Chamberlain Dunn, the first year of this industry award celebrating excellence in this field. Nicolle has been shortlisted for her specialist work in treating people who live with dementia with dignity & delivering her innovative, award winning course, “How to Massage People who have Dementia” across the UK. The award will be presented on the 18th October at The Cumberland Hotel in London.
Finally, Nicolle was nominated for a Care Award for her work within the NHS Community Adult Speech & Language in providing support for people with communication, voice & swallow difficulties. She was put forward for her people centred & empathic approach to patients. The winners of the award will be announced at Eden on the 3rd November.
Nicolle states, “To be shortlisted for any award is thrilling! My work can be challenging, so having my hard work recognised & celebrated means a huge amount to me. It is a great opportunity to convey the power of meaningful touch & connection, especially for people who live with dementia. The recognition inspires me to take my work further & encourage others to get creative about improving people’s lives with compassion.”
Christopher Byrne, FHT President, said: ‘Having looked through all of this year’s entries during the shortlisting process for the FHT Excellence Awards, we were once again really impressed by the calibre of those who entered, along with the diverse range of services and support they offer. Good luck to our finalists and keep up the excellent work.’For booking or enquiries, feel free to contact Nicolle:
Tel: 07899 944650
Email: nicolle@tlcinabottle.co.uk www.thelittlemassageclinic.co.uk www.massagefordementia.co.uk
Monthly Articles W.M.N. “West” written by Brian Tregunna
Starting on Saturday 20th October, Brian Tregunna will be writing a regular monthly mental health & wellbeing feature for the Western Morning News ‘West’ magazine supplement that is published every Saturday.
Please check-out the magazine for his articles, top tips and news items.
If you have any information that you would like Brian to share then please send details to: tregunnalifecoaching@gmail.com or contact him on 07856571163
Crystal Healing
If you have ever wondered about Crystal Healing, how it works and the benefits , Karen Bullock has given a lovely description and is available for bookings . Karen Bullock 07521003196
What is Crystal Healing?
By using crystals they produce certain vibrations to help balance, align and cleanse your 7 chakras. Placing the crystals on the chakra focuses the energy where needed for healing and balancing needs to occur. Reiki energy is used to work with the crystals to see which chakras require the most cleansing. Crystal healing can help to cleanse and unblock our chakras from sometimes many years of negative self-talk, absorbing of negative energy from others and also with ongoing health issues.
Each of our 7 chakras is connected with specific colours, foods, and gemstones. In the busy world we live in today, the human energy field can easily become unbalanced. A chakra is a word that means “wheel”
The crystals used are small flat palm stones which lay on the relevant chakra points throughout the treatment. Our chakra points and associated crystal are:
Crown Chakra – just above the head, amethyst
Brow chakra – centre of the forehead just above the eyebrows, Lapis Lazuli
Throat chakra – in the centre of the throat, Blue Lace Agate
Heart chakra – in the centre of the heart, Malachite
Sacral Chakra – just below the belly button, Citrine
Base Chakra – at the coccyx at the base of the spine, Red Jasper
How does Crystal healing work?
Imagine your body is like an orchestra. In an orchestra, each section needs to be kept ‘in tune’, so that the sound quality is at its best. If an instrument is ‘out of tune’, it affects the sound of the whole orchestra. If a body part or your emotions or mind become ‘out of tune’ with stress or illness it affects all of you. Crystal healing helps to get things back ‘in tune’ again.
What are the benefits of Crystal healing?
Crystal healing is a holistic treatment: it works on all levels of a person.. Everyone’s experience is individual, though you may experience any of these effects:
Physically – relief from aches and pains, more energy, a de-toxification, restful sleep
Mentally – relief from stress, calmness, clarity, more focus
Emotionally – a release of “old” emotions, a sense of well-being, balance
Spiritually – a “lightness” of being, more connectedness, more purpose
Could massage boost your immune system?
Here is an interesting link to the TV show Trust Me I’m a Doctor, their experiment came up with some intersting results .
Macrobiotics is a modern approach to Oriental medicine and philosophy. Mainly known for its dietary principles, it also includes emotional healing and counselling, bodywork techniques, and exercise. Macrobiotics promotes a holistic view of life based on the universal forces of Yin-Yang, which is found in many other Oriental arts such as Acupuncture, Tai Chi, and Feng Shui. The main focus of Macrobiotics is on education and encouraging health and vitality.
Macrobiotic Health Coaching consists initially of a comprehensive health consultation followed by Oriental facial diagnosis and palpating zones on the body that helps to understand the underlying imbalance of Yin & Yang of the body, mind and energy. From that information; dietary, cooking and lifestyle advice is given, with massage and bodywork to help work with energetic imbalances. Often health issues have an emotional and psychological basis, and in the consultation process this can be discussed. Health Coaching doesn’t necessarily treat illnesses and their symptoms, but treats the whole person, and encourages healthy habits and attitudes.
Macrobiotic Health Coaching is available with Dave Sowden, who is also an experienced Massage Therapist & Oriental Bodyworker, specialising in Abdominal Massage for digestion, bowel and emotional knots, and runs regular Qi Gong exercise and Macrobiotic cooking classes. You can contact Dave on 07791 042260 or via www.kitohealth.co.uk for more information and to make a booking.
Whats On at the Blue Lotus Therapy Centre ?
We have several workshops coming up that you may be interested in
Learn to Cook with Vegetable Proteins – Saturday 20th October 10 am to 12.30
This is now fully booked but more dates for classes will follow, please contact Dave Sowden for more information on 07791042260.
Dare to Blossom Life Coaching – Full Cycle- Being You Saturday 17th November 10am to 1 pm
Run by Mary Lunnen , ” Stepping into Your Power” programme. For more information and to book please contact mary on 07778771021 or visit www.daretoblossom.co.uk
Managing Difficult Conversations on Tuesday 20th November in Truro Brian Tregunna is delivering a 1 day course on Managing Difficult Conversations on Tuesday 20th November in Truro. Relevant to situations in the workplace and at home, the course will include details such as managing the unconscious mind, communication skills, assertiveness and resilience.
For further details on the above event, contact Brian on 07856571163 or tregunnalifecoaching@gmail.com
A short course in Stress Awareness and Wellbeing , taken from The B:EACH Programme ( Balance:Emotions,Acceptance,Change=Health) Saturday 24th November 9.30 am to 1 pm (ladies only ) 1.30 pm to 5 pm (men only) £35 advanced bookings only
Learn how to recognise and reduce the stress in your life with a range of skills and knowledge. Supportive, friendly and relaxed sessions are run by Kate , a registered Stress Management Consultant, with over 15 years of NHS therapist experience. Contact Kate at holistichealthcornwall@outlook.com or 07391893207 to book or for more information. See website for futher details www.holistichealthcornwall.co.uk/stress-relief-courses.
Life-Skills Study Day Brian Tregunna and Ashley Gordon will be hosting a Life-Skills Study Day at St Endellion near Port Isaac on Saturday 6th April 2019. Based upon the principles explained in their popular self-help life coaching book, ‘A Life Now Worth Living’, the day will be practical and interactive, covering subjects such as taking responsibility, strengthening self-awareness, using your imagination positively, finding inspiration and achieving life goals.
For further details on the above event, contact Brian on 07856571163 or tregunnalifecoaching@gmail.com