Learning About & Cooking with Plant-Based Proteins

Learn how to cook with tofu, tempeh, seitan, beans, quinoa and other plant-based proteins. Ideal for vegetarians, vegans, and people interested in healthy living, and catering for others.
Saturday 19th October 10am to 12noon. Cost £20
Learning About & Cooking with Seaweeds

Learn how to cook with seaweeds and about their amazing health benefits. We will be covering soups, stews, salads, condiments and sushi recipes, and will be mostly vegan and gluten-free!
Saturday 23th November 10am to 12noon. Cost £20
Qi Gong: Movement & Relaxation Exercises
Regularly classes held at the Blue Lotus in blocks of 4 weekly sessions for £28 on Wednesdays 6.30 to 7.30pm and Thursdays 11am to 12noon.
For more information: www.reikidave.co.uk
Or contact your tutor Dave Sowden on:
07791 042260